Life in Jannah: what will it be like

Life in Jannah

We should not compare Life in Jannah to that of Earth in order to judge it. Humans will be free from all forms of boredom and all traits that lead to boredom in paradise. There won’t be any monotony or routine in the Life in Jannah because the blessings are endless and every time we spend there is better than the one before it.

In addition, one’s status in paradise will be unsteady and continually promoted. Eventually, the level of happiness one experiences will also change and gradually grow. Because of this, there won’t be a vicious cycle of boredom in paradise. In this article some of the traits of the Life in Jannah.

In Jannah, anything you desire for will come true.


life in jannah

Everything in the universe is a reflection of Allah’s limitless strength and power. For the purpose of testing on Earth, Allah created everything in conformity with law and arranged it so that the human mind can understand the relationship between causes and effects. Because of this, when people see a fruit, they are confident that it was produced by a tree that began as a seed. Of course, in accordance with Allah’s law, that is the reason why there is fruit on earth, but it is important to remember that Allah has the power to create the entire universe without the need for causes.

Also Read: 15 Best Foods mentioned in the Quran and Hadith

Allah is the only one who has the ability to produce everything He desires, at any moment and in any shape. His creations are original, and He has no need of anything. In this view, Allah can create without any causes, means, or stages.

People must not be misled by the idea that everything in the world is governed by specific causes and natural laws. All of these causes and rules have no effect on Allah because He is their Creator. In this view, since creation in Paradise will not be founded on causes, a fruit that is plucked from a tree will immediately be replaced by a new one and there won’t be any decline. Such is the way of Life in Jannah.

Allah is the one who generates causes and effects. For instance, when we observe a tree’s shadow, we are aware that the sunlight’s reflection angle is what causes the shadow. Although shadow is a result of the Sun, it is actually Allah who causes the shadow to exist. This incidence is described in the following Quranic verse:

Have you not turned your vision to your Lord?- How He does prolong the shadow! If He willed, He could make it stationary! Then do We make the sun its guide; then We draw it in towards Ourselves,- a contraction by easy stages.” (al-Furqan, 45-46)

“… Allah well-pleased with them, and they with Allah: That is the great salvation, (the fulfillment of all desires).” (al-Maidah,119).

Everything on earth was made in a cause-and-effect relationship, and our Lord’s endless manifestations are part of his artistic creation process. Allah has the power to produce anything at any time, in any shape, and in whatever configuration He chooses. The laws and reasons that we struggle to understand on earth will all be abolished by Allah, Who created the cosmos out of nothing. With Allah’s approval, righteous Muslims will be able to request anything they desire and anything that comes to mind, and they will receive it as soon as they do so.

They will live in the benefits they most enjoy, have the physical surroundings they want, and have the physical looks they want in the Life of Jannah. They will also do whatever they want. Furthermore, none of them will occur in order to fulfill a need, make up for a flaw, or disguise a shortcoming; rather, they will all occur as a gift and act of kindness from Allah for the benefit of the inhabitants of Paradise, who will be able to rejoice and have fun. (Allah is the best knower.)

The following are a few examples of the topic from hadiths:

A man asked the Messenger of Allah: “Are there horses in Paradise?” And the Messenger of Allah answered:

“If Allah lets you into Paradise, and if you want to wander on the back of a horse made of red rubies, it will fly you wherever you want.”

Then, another one asked: “Are there camels in Paradise?” However, the Messenger of Allah did not answer it as he answered the other and said:

“If Allah lets you into Paradise, there will be everything you wish to have and you feel like seeing.”(Tirmidhi, Kutub Sitta, XIV/431).

The hadith’s statement that “whatever you wish to have and you feel like seeing” is true transcends our senses and imagination. In the passage, Allah highlights the profusion of blessings in Paradise.

“…there will be there all that the souls could desire, all that their eyes could delight in: and ye shall abide therein (for aye).” (az-Zukhruf, 43/71).

The following passages also address this subject:

“…therein shall ye have all that your souls shall desire; therein shall ye have all that ye ask for!”(Fussilat, 41/31).

“…what their souls desired, in that will they dwell.”(al-Anbiya,21/102).

There are many things that we all wanted to accomplish but were unable to achieve for a variety of reasons, sometimes due to lack of time and other times due to risk. For instance, driving a car or riding a motorcycle too quickly can be such an exciting activity for some people. Other people might wish to engage in risky activities like long-distance scuba diving, alpine skiing, or skydiving from heights of several hundred meters. However, these are all subsets of sports that put lives in danger.

“Every soul will be (held) in pledge for its deeds. Except the Companions of the Right Hand. They will be) in Gardens (of Delight)”(al-Muddathir, 74/ 38-40).

Many people may aspire to possess unique talents, such as musical instrument playing and professional painting. Sometimes, in addition to talent, such kinds of things require technical expertise and training. However, when one desires to perform them in Paradise, one will be able to do so without any talent or effort. (Allah is the Most Wise)

Any wish a person makes will be granted in Paradise with Allah’s wishing, according to verses in the Quran and hadiths. In this way, Life in Jannah (Paradise) may offer humans the chance to experience things that are otherwise unattainable on earth but which they can only dream about.

For instance, it is impossible to fly on horseback in the physical world, but the hadiths mention that it is feasible in Paradise with Allah’s blessing. According to the following hadith, everyone who wishes can fly:

“If you are intended for the Garden and say “I would like to ride a horse of red ruby you will do so. If you say you wish to fly, you will fly.” (Ramuz al-Ahadith, p.149/5)

Another hadith attributed to the Prophet describes the profusion of blessings in Paradise as follows:

“Allah said:, ‘I have prepared for My righteous slaves (such excellent things)
as no eye has ever seen, nor an ear has ever heard nor a human heart can ever think of.’”
 (Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Kutub Sitta-14, p.4419/1).

Read More: Buraq in Islam: Flying Horse that carried Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Everything You Want in Paradise Happens Immediately:


A delicious dish on earth requires time and effort to prepare. The potential of finding those dishes in front of oneself whenever one chooses, without exerting any effort, is a circumstance that the human soul will much love. In contrast, it is not feasible in terrestrial circumstances. In the promised Life in Jannah, boons will be given to people in a way that they will enjoy them greatly, without a lot of reasons and processes like buying, taking time off work, and making an effort. In a hadith, this circumstance is described as follows:

“You will desire bird-meat in Paradise. It will be served in front of you right away as roasted.” (Büyük Hadis Külliyatı (Great Collection of Hadiths)-5, p.414/10123)

Another narration provides the following information on a hadith of the Prophet:

“…if any of the inhabitants of Paradise wished to eat a bird, he would simply call it and the bird will drop on his table cloth. It would turn, part of it into roast bird meat and part of it into fried bird meat. When he completed eating it, the bird would reappear and fly back to its place on the tree. (Tadhkirat-al Qurtubi-1, p.58)

On the other hand, a hadith claims that it is possible to work in agriculture for fun even though one does not need to work because one can do anything one pleases in Paradise:

It is related that as Our prophet was conversing with a man among the desert dwellers, He gave him the following answers to his questions:

“One of the inhabitants of Paradise will seek permission from his Lord for cultivation. Allah will ask him: ‘Are you not in a state that you like?’ He will  say: ‘Yes, but I like to cultivate (the land).’ (When the man is permitted) he will soon sow the seeds. The plants will grow up get ripe and be ready for harvesting. Then the yield will develop into conglobation like huge mountain… (Bukhari, Büyük Hadis Külliyatı (Great Collection of Hadiths)-5, p.413/10119).

Modifying Appearances as Desired:


If individuals were given the option to choose their faces and physical structures, everyone would undoubtedly desire to have a flawless look since, as said before, people’s souls were designed in a way to enjoy beauty and always seek out the most perfect and the most perfect ones. Even the smallest defect in a minor detail can be seen by them. However, humans will never discover perfect beauty on earth. Even if someone is the most beautiful person in the world, the infirmities, sicknesses, and, most importantly, mortality cast a shadow over their beauty since everything on earth was created with shortcomings and imperfections as a necessity for testing. These shortcomings and imperfections serve a purpose and offer insights so that people may strive for the hereafter and yearn for a Life in Jannah.

These shortcomings and imperfections serve a purpose and offer insights so that people may strive for the hereafter and yearn for a life in the heavens.

Paradise is the first home of perfection and beauty that people can enjoy. Allah will reconstruct a person in paradise in the form that person prefers, with perfect beauty. Additionally, its beauty is not constrained to a certain appearance. The inhabitants of Paradise would thus have access to various forms of beauty whenever they chose since Allah will offer them the ability to select whichever appearance they like.

In a hadith, the Prophet (pbuh) says that devout believers would be able to get any appearance they like in Paradise:

“There is a market in Paradise. However, there is neither selling nor buying there. There are only appearances of men and women. If a man likes an appearance amongst them, he gets into that appearance.” (Tirmidhi, Kutub Sitta-14. p.434/17)

Night doesn’t exist in Paradise.


life in jannah has no night

People on earth are intended to use the night as a time of rest. In Paradise, there won’t be a need for sleep or rest, thus there won’t be a need for nighttime darkness either. The following hadiths indicate that there won’t be any night in Paradise:

“There is no night in Paradise. It (Paradise) consists of brightness and light…”(Ramuz al-Ahadith-2 p.366/4)

No Sleep in Paradise:


One of the shortcomings that humans encounter on Earth is sleep. Despite their best efforts to stay awake, all humans are compelled to sleep because of the way they were created. Lack of sleep lowers a body’s ability to fight against ailments, and the sufferer will appear worn out.

On the other hand, the amount of time spent sleeping cannot be disregarded. A person sleeps for around a third of his or her life. It implies that a significant portion of a person’s already brief lifespan passes as though they are deceased. In fact, Allah tells us in the following verse of the Quran that slumber is a sort of death:

“It is Allah that takes the souls (of men) at death; and those that die not (He takes) during their sleep…”(az-Zumar, 39/42).

However, in paradise, there are no weaknesses like fatigue or sleepiness. The following passage conveys such truth to Allah’s slaves:

“There no sense of fatigue shall touch them, nor shall they (ever) be asked to leave.”(al-Hijr, 15/48).

Another hadith states that Heaven is a place where there is no sleep:

They asked the Prophet (pbuh): “Do people of Paradise sleep?” He answered: “Sleep is the brother of death. People of Paradise do not sleep.” (Büyük Hadis Külliyatı (Great Collection of Hadiths)-5, p.414/10125)

Also Read: Why Sleeping on Stomach in Islam is Forbidden (or Makruh)?

In paradise, there is no disagreement.


no disagreement in jannah

The high moral standards of Paradise residents are among its most notable traits. The following hadith draws emphasis to the moral excellence of the inhabitants of Paradise:

“I guarantee a mansion in the gardens of Paradise, in upper Paradise and lower Paradise for the one who leaves quarrel though s/he is right, who does not lie even as a joke and improves his/her high moral qualities in order to set an example for people.”(Ramuz al-Ahadith-1, p.152/6)

In an environment within which there are people who use their awareness and who fear Allah, everyone feels at ease. And when there are no strong moral principles, there are disputes, rivalry, fights, rage, hatred, and mocking. Because of these poor moral traits, those who live outside of the moral guidelines of the Quran create an environment that is reminiscent of Hell.

“And We shall remove from their hearts any lurking sense of injury: (they will be) brothers (joyfully) facing each other on thrones (of dignity).”(al-Hijr, 47)

They forfeit a wonderful blessing by giving in to their own whims and passions and pursuing their earthly goals when they could have lived in pleasure, peace, and safety while interacting with one another in a brotherly and friendly manner and with tolerance. For Muslims, possessing high moral standards, and being kind, understanding, balanced, forgiving, affectionate, and full of love on Earth brings great delight and devotion. Muslims have a different joy when they recognize these positive traits in themselves, and they experience a similar joy when they see these qualities in other Muslims. In Paradise, those pleasures, joys, and beauties will continue to exist for all of eternity. In one of his hadiths, the Prophet describes the ambiance in Paradise as this:

 “… Their hearts is like the heart of a single person. There is no disagreement, animosity among them…”(Kutub Sitta-14, p. 449/3)

Similar hadiths mention the following moral traits of Paradise’s inhabitants:

“Their moral qualities are like those of a single person.”(Tadhkirat-al Qurtubi, p.329/579)

In the Qur’an, Allah highlights the genuine and heartfelt companionship that Paradise dwellers experience.

“And We shall remove from their hearts any lurking sense of injury: (they will be) brothers (joyfully) facing each other on thrones (of dignity).”(al-Hijr, 15/47).

Also Read: 10 Qualities of a Good Muslim (Momin)

Negative emotions like sadness and boredom don’t exist.


no sadness in jannah

Individuals who live outside of the moral standards of the faith are frequently seen in states of mind like melancholy and boredom that torture people. People who don’t believe that Allah has a purpose for everything they meet experience anxiety and terror when faced with challenges. They become bored, grumble about not submitting to Allah, and even experience such intense despair that it compromises their health. However, only Allah has the knowledge of what is good and bad for oneself. The following passage states that truth:

“…But it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knows, and you know not.”(al-Baqarah, 2/ 216)

A circumstance that seems difficult or troublesome on Earth can change into something beautiful that will lead to Paradise in the afterlife. The force of their faith helps true believers who are aware of it ward against those negatives that appear to be difficulties and hardships they experience on earth. They view every circumstance they come across as a work of art made by Allah, feeling at ease and at peace with all He created while doing so. Because of this, those who believe they will one day enter paradise do not view anything in this world negatively. And with Allah’s compassion, they will spend all of eternity in Paradise without experiencing any sorrow, problems, or worries. According to hadiths, this blessing in paradise is as follows:

“… And all worries will end. Expect those of people of Hell…”(Ramuz al-Ahadith-2, p.342/15).

“… and they will say:“We are eternal, we will never be destroyed, we are blissful people, we will never grieve…”(Tirmidhi, Büyük Hadis Külliyatı (Great Collection of Hadiths)-5, p.409/10099)

 “…No any trouble and danger therein…”(Ramuz al-Ahadith-1, p.170/1)

The following is how the Bible refers to the subject:

 “…Then one of the elders asked me, “These in white robes—who are they, and where did they come from?” I answered, “Sir, you know.” And he said, “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore, “they are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will spread his tent over them. Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat. For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” (Revelation of John, 7:13-17)

In the Qur’an, Allah characterizes the tranquility of genuine believers as follows:

“But Allah will deliver them from the evil of that Day, and will shed over them a Light of Beauty and (blissful) Joy.”(al-Insan, 76/11)

“Thou wilt recognize in their faces the beaming brightness of Bliss.”(al-Mutaffifin, 83/24).

“They rejoice in the bounty provided by Allah: And with regard to those left behind, who have not yet joined them (in their bliss), the (Martyrs) glory in the fact that on them is no fear, nor have they (cause to) grieve.”(Aal-i Imran, 3/170)

“And they will say: “Praise be to Allah, Who has removed from us (all) sorrow: for our Lord is indeed Oft-Forgiving Ready to appreciate (service)”(al-Fatir, 35/34)

Everything on Earth is intentionally constructed with shortcomings and weaknesses as a prerequisite for testing, as we have already indicated. True believers surrender to Allah and display patience in the face of all difficulties and suffering on earth. According to the Prophet’s hadiths, only after one enters Paradise would one experience true peace:

“Only those who enter Paradise receive comfort.”(Ramuz al-Ahadith-1, p.138/13)


The Prophet (pbuh) portrays the tranquil environment in Heaven as follows in another hadith:

“Paradise is a place of shining light, a widespread scent, a well-built mansion, a flowing river, a ripe fruit, greenness, joy, coolness and freshness as an eternal dwelling.”

Wholesome Joy devoid of suffering


While there are some joys for humans in this world, there are also many hardships. If one were to closely examine their way of life, they would discover that there is much more struggle than ease and comfort. There won’t be any difficulty or suffering in the hereafter, and people will only experience pure joy and delight there. In the hereafter, there won’t be any of the things that bring people misery, suffering, or anguish in this life. Let’s examine a few of these reasons.


When people think of success in our world, they typically picture large homes, pricey jewelry and clothing, and costly cars; having a stable financial situation is thought to be essential to leading a happy life. Even though this is the furthest thing from reality, most individuals believe that success and wealth are inextricably linked. How often have we witnessed the richest people leading such wretched lives that they occasionally even turn to suicide? Humans are wired by nature to seek wealth at any cost, and this urge was put there for a very good reason. When this desire is not satisfied, a person experiences some degree of grief.

Due to this, God has assured individuals who live in Paradise that they will have all they could possibly want in terms of material possessions, from those who were exceedingly poor and went without food and water to those who were wealthy but still yearned for more. God provides us a hint of this by saying:

“Eat and drink at ease for that which you have sent forth (good deeds) in days past!” (Quran 69:24)

“… there will be there all that the souls could desire, all that the eyes could delight in …” (Quran 43:71)

“… They will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold, and they will wear green garments of fine silk and heavy brocade.  They will recline therein on raised thrones.  How good [is] the recompense!  How beautiful a couch [is there] to recline on!” (Quran 18:31)

Death and Illness


Death of a loved one or illness, both of which are not present in Paradise, are other things that bring grief and suffering in this life. In paradise, no one will experience illness or pain. The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of God be upon him, described the inhabitants of Paradise as follows:

“They will never fall ill, blow their noses or spit.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)

In paradise, nobody will perish. Everyone will experience eternal life’s pleasures. When humans enter paradise, the Prophet Muhammad said that someone will yell out:

“Indeed may you be healthy and never be sick again, may you live and never die again, may you be young and never grow feeble again, may you enjoy, and never feel sorrow and regret again.” (Saheeh Muslim)

Also Read: What Happens after Death in Islam?

Social Interactions

social interactions in life of jannah

Regarding the regret felt as a result of a separation in a personal connection, no one will ever hear hurtful or malicious statements or insults in Paradise. They will only hear encouraging and pacifying remarks. Allah  says:

“They will not hear therein ill speech or commission of sin.  But only the saying of: Peace! Peace!” (Quran 56:25-26)

There won’t be any animosity or bad feelings between people:

“And We shall remove from their breasts any (mutual) hatred or sense of injury (which they had, if at all, in the life of this world)…” (Quran 7:43)

The Prophet (SAW) said:

“There will be no hatred or resentment among them, their hearts will be as one, and they will glorify God, morning and evening.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)

In the hereafter, humans will be accompanied by the best of friends who were also the best in the world:

“And whoever obeys God and the Messenger – those will be with the ones upon whom God has bestowed favor – of the prophets, the steadfast affirmers of truth, the martyrs and the righteous.  And excellent are those as companions!” (Quran 4:69)

The Life in Jannah will be as amazing as it sounds. May we strive to do good deeds in this life to get a rewarding Life in Jannah. Read more Islamic Blogs or follow us on social media for Islamic reminders.

Kashif Ali

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4 thoughts on “Life in Jannah: what will it be like

  1. Samadrita 22/06/2023 at 12:07 pm


  2. Abbas Abdul Wahab 04/10/2023 at 9:13 am

    One of the best articles I’ve ever read about life in Jannah, backed up here and there with Quranic reference. I still would love to read more areas yet touched upon because many writers when confronted with questions they cannot answer, reply “Allah knows best.”

  3. Samadrita Taleb 11/11/2023 at 5:10 am

    Beautiful!!!with love😍

    1. Kashif Ali 12/11/2023 at 12:46 pm

      Thanks for Appreciating!


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