“Five Necessities” of Islam | 5 things Islam came to Protect

Five Necessities of Islam | 5 things Islam came to Protect

Five Necessities of Islam: Both religious and worldly life are dependent on necessities. Their absence results in excruciating suffering in this life or punishment in the hereafter. There are 5 things Islam came to protect as necessities.

In Islam, there are five fundamental necessities known as the “Five Necessities” or “Five Essentials.” These are considered essential aspects of human life that must be protected and preserved. The Five Necessities of Islam are:

5 things Islam Came to Protect (Five Necessities)


1) Religion (Faith):

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Faith is the foundation of Islam, and it represents the first and most crucial necessity. It encompasses the belief in the oneness of Allah (God) and the prophethood of Muhammad, peace be upon him. Muslims are obligated to have faith in Allah’s existence, His attributes, and the divine guidance revealed through the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. Faith is a personal and spiritual connection between an individual and their Creator, and it forms the basis of all other necessities in Islam.

2) Life:

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Preserving human life is of utmost importance in Islam. Islam considers life sacred, and the Quran states, “Whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely” (Quran 5:32). Islam prohibits the killing of innocent individuals, and it emphasizes the protection and preservation of human life. Muslims are obligated to uphold and value life, whether it is their own life or the lives of others.

3) Mind (Intellect):

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The intellect or rationality is highly regarded in Islam. Muslims are encouraged to seek knowledge, pursue education, and develop critical thinking abilities. Islam promotes intellectual growth, reasoning, and contemplation. Muslims are encouraged to use their minds to understand the world, make informed decisions, and distinguish between right and wrong. The preservation and development of one’s intellect is essential for personal and societal progress in Islam.

4) Progeny (Lineage and Family):

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The preservation and well-being of the family unit are essential in Islam. Marriage is highly encouraged, and the institution of family holds significant importance. Muslims are urged to maintain strong family ties, and show kindness and compassion to their parents, spouses, children, and extended family members. The upbringing and nurturing of children is considered a responsibility, and maintaining a healthy lineage and family structure is crucial for the stability and prosperity of society.

5) Property (Wealth):

The preservation of wealth and property is also recognized as a necessity in Islam. Muslims are encouraged to engage in lawful economic activities and earn a living through honest means. Islam promotes fair trade, discourages exploitation, and condemns any form of economic injustice. Muslims are obligated to fulfill their financial responsibilities, pay their dues, give to charity, and avoid extravagance or miserliness. The preservation of wealth allows individuals to support themselves, provide for their families, and contribute to the welfare of society.



These five necessities, collectively known as the “Maqasid al-Shariah” or the “Objectives of Islamic Law,” represent the broader principles that guide Islamic ethics and jurisprudence. these are the 5 things Islam came to Protect. They are designed to ensure the well-being and preservation of the individual, family, and society as a whole while aligning with the teachings of Islam.

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FAQs on Five Necessities of Islam


What are the five fundamental human rights—or necessities—that Allah protected for His creation through the teachings and tasks He gave to each and every prophet He sent?

The five fundamental human rights—or necessities are:

Ad-Deen (The Religion)
An-Nafs (Life)
An-Nasl, or An-Nasab (Lineage and Ancestry)
Al-‘Aql (Intellect)
Al-Maal (Property)

What evidence supports these Five Necessities of Islam?

They are based on the scholars’ istiqraa’ (extracting something from the whole message’s generality), which includes not only the Quran and the Sunnah but also earlier laws.

Are they particularly referenced in the Quran?

Indeed, Soorah al-An’aam [6:151–152] mentions them:

Say (O Muhammad): “Come, I will recite what your Lord has prohibited you from: Do not join anything in worship with Him; be good and dutiful to your parents; do not kill your children fearing poverty – We provide for you and for them; do not go near fawaahish (shameful sins, illegal sexual intercourse, etc.), whether committed openly or secretly, and do not kill anyone whom Allaah has forbidden, except by right (through an Islaamic legal system). This is what He has commanded you with so that you might understand.

And do not go near the orphan’s property, except to improve it, until he (or she) attains the age of full strength; and give full measure and full weight with justice. We do not burden any person except with what he can bear. And whenever you speak, say the truth, even if a near relative is concerned, and fulfill the Covenant of Allaah, This is what He commands you with, so that you might remember.

Which Islamic scholars have spoken about these five fundamental human rights?

As early as the fifth century, according to some researchers, they were referenced. They are mentioned by Ash-Shaatibee (d. 790) in his book al-Muwaafaqaat (2/20), where he writes, “They have been safeguarded in every religion”—by which he means in all prior laws sent by Allaah to the past prophets.

Kashif Ali

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