The Story of Prophet Sulaiman (PBUH)


Story of Prophet Sulaiman (PBUH) is also well known to Christians and Jews. Story of Prophet Sulaiman is known to them as the Story of King Solomon (Sulaiman). Story of Prophet Sulaiman is that of a wise King, Jurist, and humble and pious man.

Story of Prophet Sulaiman in Islam

Prophet Sulaiman (PBUH) was the son of Prophet Dawud (David) (PBUH). Hazrat Dawud (A.S.) was the King of Israel and an honorable Prophet of Allah (SWT). Prophet Sulaiman gained from his father’s huge knowledge and judgment and frequently joined his father during hearings. He was a spectator and gained from him and periodically added to the conversation.

On one occasion Prophet Dawud called his 19 children before the chiefs and scholastic researchers of his realm. He then, at that point, set forth the accompanying inquiries:

1. Which thing is nearest (closest) to man?
2. Which is the farthest thing?
3. Which two things are connected to one another?
4. Which is the most wonderment-making thing?
5. Which two things stay unaltered?
6. Which two things are dependably unique?
7. Which two things are against one another?
8. What is the activity the consequence of which is great?
9. What is that activity the effect of which is terrible?

The children of Prophet Dawud (A.S.) became bothered and couldn’t address these inquiries. The most youthful of the children, Prophet Sulaiman (A.S.) stood up and offered the accompanying responses:

1. The closest thing to a man is the afterlife (Life and Death – as one might pass on any second);
2. The farthest thing is the time which has died (which isn’t to come back once more);
3. The two things that are connected to one another are man’s body with the spirit;
4. The most wonderment-making is the man’s body (dead) without the soul;
5. The two things which continue as before are the sky and the earth;
6. The two things which are different are night and day;
7. The two things which are against one another are death and life;
8. The activity – the finish of which is great – is tolerance and restraint during outrage;
9. The activity – the finish of which is awful is hurrying during outrage.

Intrigued by these responses Prophet Dawud (A.S.) designated his child Prophet Sulaiman (A.S.) to assume responsibility following his demise. In this way, with the progression of time, Prophet Sulaiman acquired the realm of Israel and was chosen by Allah to proceed with his Prophethood. He entreated his Lord for a realm that would happen to none after him. Allah conceded Prophet Sulaiman his desire and offered to him numerous marvels, similar to the capacity to control the breeze which he used to travel to different places with great speed; the jinns which were under his order and a copper mine with which he used to make weaponry. He was even honored with the capacity to speak with creatures. The Quran talks about this:

Prophet Sulaiman and his brigade of men, jinns and birds, “happened to came upon the valley of the ants, an ant said, “O insects, enter your homes that you not be squashed by Sulaiman and his warriors while they see not.” So [Solomon] smiled, entertained at her discourse, and said, “My Lord, empower me to be thankful for Your approval which You have presented to me and upon my folks and to do honorableness of which You support. What’s more, concede me by Your kindness into [the positions of] Your righteous servants.” Surah Naml Ayat 18-19


In his central goal as a Prophet of Allah, Sulaiman built an important place of worship— the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. From that point, Sulaiman and his supporters made the journey to Makkah. On completion of their Hajj, they made a trip to Yemen where Hazrat Sulaiman (A.S.) saw the Yemeni’s mind-boggling water-directing instrument. He wanted to imitate this framework in his own territory, however, realized that they had deficient springs. Eager to find a way, Prophet Sulaiman set about searching for the Hoopoe bird, which had been able to identify water underground. Yet, the bird was no place in sight. Hazrat Sulaiman (A.S.) who developed progressively eager shouted, “For what reason do I not see the Hoopoe bird-or would he say he is among the missing? I will definitely rebuff him with serious torture, or butcher him, except if he presents to me with an unmistakable explanation!

In a little while, the Hoopoe got back to his lord with extraordinary news. Yet, the hoopoe remained not long and said, “I have encompassed [in knowledge] that which you have not encompassed, and I have come to you from Sheba with specific news. I found [there] a lady ruling them, and she has been given, everything being equal, and she has an extraordinary throne. I found her and her kin prostrating to the sun rather than Allah, and Satan has made their deeds satisfying to them and turned away them from [His] way, so they are not directed, [And] so they don’t prostrate to Allah, who delivers what is concealed inside the sky and the earth and understands what you hide and what you pronounce – Allah – there is no divinity with the exception of Him, Lord of the Great Throne.” Surah Naml Ayat 22-26

Prophet Sulaiman said, “We will see whether you were honest or were of the liars. Take this letter of mine and convey it to them. Then, at that point, leave them and see what [answer] they will return.” Surah Naml Ayat 27-28

The Hoopoe bird flew back to Queen Bilkis‘ castle and dropped Prophet Sulaiman’s letter before her. He before long stowed away and watched what occurred. Having seen the letter, Bilkis started understanding it, “Verily! It is from Sulaiman. It peruses: ‘In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful; be you not exalted against me, but come to me as Muslims.”

Queen Bilkis quickly called her chiefs and looked for their recommendation. They answered, “We have extraordinary strength, and extraordinary capacity for war, yet it is for you to order; so consider what you will order.” Bilkis, nonetheless, were not for battle as they knew nothing about the size of Prophet Sulaiman’s military. She replied, “Verily! Lords, when they enter a town, they pillage it, and make the best among its kin low.” She chose, as a badge of fellowship, to send Prophet Sulaiman a few significant gifts through her couriers, who could likewise bring information about Sulaiman’s military.

Prophet Sulaiman quickly knew of Queen Bilkis‘ reaction through the Hoopoe. He chose to show the strength of his military to her couriers. All at the point when the couriers showed up, Prophet Sulaiman’s military along with animals, like lions and tigers, birds, men, and jinn, assembled before them. Bilkis’ couriers were to be sure shocked by the size and assortment of Sulaiman’s unit. His unique strength was famous.

Read more about Types of Jinn in Islam here.

The couriers enthusiastically gave Queen Bilkis‘ gift to Prophet Sulaiman (A.S.) a vow of kinship. Prophet Sulaiman answered, “Will you help me in wealth? What Allah has given me is superior to that which He has given you! Nay, you cheer in your gift!” Sulaiman then went to the head of her couriers and said: “Return to them. We verily will come to them with hosts that they can’t avoid, and we will drive them out from that point in shame, and they will be dishonored.” Shocked, the couriers before long got back to their Queen and passed on Sulaiman’s message along with a record of the eminence of Sulaiman’s realm.

Queen Bilkis chose to meet Hazrat Sulaiman (PBUH) face to face, along with her authorities. On getting this news, Sulaiman chose to show Bilkis and her authorities the force of the marvels presented to him by Allah. He asked his military, “Which of you can present to me Bilkis’ throne before they come to me, giving themselves over in submission?” Ifrit, one of the strong jinns, promptly answered Prophet Sulaiman, “I will carry it to you before you ascend from your place. Furthermore, verily, I am for sure solid and reliable for such work.” (27:30)

However, Prophet Sulaiman stayed quiet, anticipating a better proposition. Another jinn with information on the sacred texts shouted out, “I will carry it to you before your glance gets back to you.” And when [Solomon] saw it put before him, he said, “This is from the blessing of my Lord to test me whether I will be appreciative or unreasonable. Furthermore, whoever is appreciative – his appreciation is just for [the benefit of] himself. What’s more, whoever is careless – then, at that point, for sure, my Lord is Free of need and Generous.” (27:40)

“I will carry it to you within the twinkling of an eye!” And in a brief moment, the throne of Queen Bilkis was brought from across 2,000 miles to Prophet Sulaiman. Sulaiman himself was flabbergasted by the marvel Allah had given him and applauded his Lord gigantically. Prophet Sulaiman (PBUH) then educated the jinn, “Disguise for her throne; we will see whether she will be directed [to truth] or will be of the people who aren’t directed.” (27:41) He then, at that point, requested the jinns to construct a castle with floors made of thin yet strong glass, under through which streams flowed.

At the point when Queen Bilkis showed up, her throne quickly grabbed her eye. Having seen Bilkis’ response to the throne, Prophet Sulaiman inquired, “is your throne like this?” Bilkis was completely confounded. She contemplated whether her throne really arrived or on the other hand assuming it was conceivable that somebody duplicated it. She answered mindfully, “it is like it was exactly the same.” Sulaiman passed judgment on her to be wise and political so he then welcomed her to his castle. At the point when Bilkis was going to enter she confused the glass floor with water and lifted her skirts. According to in the Quran it says, “she thought it was a waterway and revealed her shins [to swim through]. He said, “To be sure, it is a royal residence [whose floor is] made smooth with glass.” She said, “My Lord, to be sure I have violated myself, and I submit with Solomon to Allah, Lord of the universes.” (27:44)

Queen Bilkis understood that Prophet Sulaiman’s realm was without a doubt not at all like any royal residence she had seen previously. She saw his insight and lowliness alongside his strong power and acknowledged him as the messenger of Allah. She apologized and embraced Islam alongside her country.

Prophet Sulaiman’s Death (PBUH)

Prophet Sulaiman lived and reigned in magnificence. Quite a bit of his public work was performed by the jinns as a punishment for causing individuals to believe that jinns knew about the unknown. Prophet Sulaiman showed his kin that Allah alone had such information. Indeed, even Prophet Sulaiman’s demise was an illustration of such a manner.

What’s to come isn’t known either by the jinns or by the prophets, yet by Allah alone.

Sulaiman was seated, holding his staff, while he was managing some jinns working in a mine. The jinns, who were scared of Sulaiman, were vigorously focused on the building when Allah chose to end Sulaiman’s life.

Lessons Learned from the Story of Prophet Sulaiman (A.S.)

We can learn a lot of Lessons from the Story of Prophet Sulaiman (A.S.) and implement them in our lives. Having traits like Good-decision making, being witty, listening to both sides of an argument, and not being biased, trusting Allah. not seeking conflicts can make us lead a better life as Muslims. Or as People of the Book (Jews and Christians).

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Kashif Ali

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