List of Haram and halal jobs in Islam: The Arabic word for lawful or permitted in the Quran is “halal,” while the word for illegal or forbidden is “haram.” There are numerous paths to...
10 Qualities of a Good Muslim (Momin): True believers—those who firmly proclaim that there is only one God—are known as Momin. He is exactly as God had portrayed him in the verses of the...
Why does the Quran say we instead of I? In Arabic literature, using the pronoun “nanhu” (we) to refer to oneself out of reverence or exaltation is a literary convention. He might also say...
Hadith on 7 Major Sins in Islam In a hadith that was narrated by the two Shaykhs, al-Bukhari and Muslim, and recorded in as-Sahihayn, the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon...
Are Credit Cards Haram in Islam? Many Muslims today use credit cards frequently and extensively, but are credit cards halal or haram? There are many advantages to credit cards. With a credit card, you...
Names of Angels in Islam: There are a lot of angels and a few Names of Angels in Islam are mentioned in the Quran. One of the core principles of Islam is the notion...
Importance of Health in Islam is rooted in its practices. Islam has shown us a lifestyle that is healthy both physically and spiritually. The practical knowledge we have gained about Importance of Health in...
What is patience? Who are Sabireen To be patient is to restrain one’s soul from being irritable and restless, one’s tongue from grumbling, and one’s body parts from injuring oneself or other people....
We are in close contact with our Lord when we offer Salah. and no doubt Salah is the Key to Jannah. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), who we love, said: “When any one of you...
How to Know Allah loves you? This is a frequent question among individuals who aim to win Allah’s (SWT) favor and finally gain entry to Jannah, that How to Know Allah loves you?...