How to do Ghusl in Islam? Ghusl, a full-body purifying ritual, must be performed before prayers and after a period of sexual activity. Ghusl is a significant part of the Umrah trip. It is...
Bani Israel (the people of Hazrat Musa A.S) received a type of food from Jannah called Mann O Salwa as a gift from Allah. These people urged their prophet to request from Allah a...
Can you think of a time when your desire for something was so intense that you found yourself constantly praying to Allah in the hopes of obtaining it? We all find ourselves pleading with...
Best Islamic books to read: By keeping us busy in a positive light, Book reading provides you with unequaled pleasure. It serves as a substantial source of happiness for the majority of people. Our...
We should not compare Life in Jannah to that of Earth in order to judge it. Humans will be free from all forms of boredom and all traits that lead to boredom in paradise....
According to a Hadeeth, the person who sits half in the shade and the other half in the sun loses. How reliable is this Hadeeth, though? According to reports, it is forbidden for a Muslim to...
Story of Seven Sleepers in Islam is not very much detailed in the Quran. However, it is very well known in the Bible. In Makkah, this chapter of 110 verses was revealed. Its name...
The Quran frequently mentions Bani Israel, the Children of Israel. In truth, the Story of Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) and Banu Israel (the Children of Israel) makes up a significant part of...
Halloween is a well-known holiday that is observed on October 31st all across the world. Children frequently dress up as witches, goblins, heroes, and other characters. And while the adults take part in the...
It is said that the Body of Pharoah (Fir’aun) was left preserved for the coming generations to know what happens to a tyrant when he tries to go against God. Today we’re in a...