The events that will take place before to the Resurrection and serve as indicators that the Day of Judgment is rapidly approaching are known as the signs of Qiyamah (Day of Judgment) . There...
This is the Story of Prophet Saleh (Salih) and his people known as Thamud. Prophet Saleh, also written as Salih, was a descendant of prophet Nuh (PBUH). He was sent by Allah to the...
In the Quran, Allah narrated the Story of Prophet Yusuf (a.s.), which emphasizes deception, isolation, sorrow, and supernatural interventions. Allah explains how a cherished son was kidnapped from his devoted father and turned into a slave....
Prophet al-Yasa’ (PBUH) was one of the Prophets of the Children of Israel; he was a descendent of Yusuf ibn Ya’qoob ibn Is-haaq ibn Ibrahim al-Khaleel (peace be upon them all). Allah specifies him...
How to dispose of a dead animal in Islam? Fundamentally, there is neither one of the particular rulings in the administration of animal corpse burial nor that it ought to be dealt with the...
Numerous Parallels of Islam in Africa The spread of Islam in Africa and How Islam came to Africa is a diverse story. Islam had proactively spread into northern Africa by the mid-seventh century A.D.,...