Names of 25 Prophets of Islam: The divine revelation that Allah SWT revealed for Muslims to read, comprehend, and follow is known as the Holy Quran. It includes religious convictions, laws, and regulations for daily living, payments and supplications, and many other significant topics are covered in the Holy Quran. The stories and situations from the life of the 25 Prophets of Islam are a highly important topic that is covered in the Holy Quran. More or less 124,000 prophets were sent by Allah, the Almighty, to humanity. They all delivered Allah’s message to mankind. However, not all of them are referred to by name in the Quran. In the Holy Quran, there are 25 Prophets of Islam included along with their names and short descriptions. In this article, we will discuss the 25 Prophets of Islam mentioned in the Quran.
25 Prophets of Islam in order (as mentioned in the Quran)
Prophet Adam A.S.
The first human being made by Allah SWT was Prophet Adam (Peace be upon him). According to the Holy Quran, Hazrat Adam A.S. was Allah’s first prophet, among 25 Prophets of Islam. He was made of clay, states the Holy Qur’an. The Holy Quran has 25 mentions of Adam A.S. He spent some time in paradise with his wife, Amma Hawwa (Eve). They were afterward sent to Earth.
Also Read: Story of Prophet Adam A.S.
Prophet Idris A.S.
One of Allah SWT’s early prophets was Hazrat Idris A.S. Only two times is he mentioned in the Holy Quran. In verse 55 of Surah Maryam, he is referred to as “the true prophet of Allah.” He is mentioned in Surat ul Ambia alongside Hazrat Dhul’kifl AS and Hazrat Ismail AS. He is one of the 25 Prophets of Islam mentioned in the Quran.
Prophet Idris A.S. is only briefly introduced in Holy Quran. He is credited with being the first person to begin writing with a pen and with being raised into the heavens while still fully alive. The Holy Quran makes no mention of these events.
Also Read: Story of Prophet Idris A.S.
Prophet Nuh A.S.
One of Allah SWT’s earliest and most significant messengers was Hazrat Nuh AS. The message of Allah’s unity was delivered to unbelievers by Allah. He preached to unbelievers for about 950 years. However, just a small number of people accepted his message. As retribution for the unbelievers, Allah SWT delivered a massive flood. The big flood claimed the lives of his wife and one of his sons because they were unbelievers as well. The Holy Quran makes 43 mentions of Nuh AS.
Also Read: Story of Prophet Nuh A.S.
Prophet Hud A.S.
Prophet Hud A.S. was dispatched to Aad, a country whose people were infamous for being wiped off by wind that blew for seven days and eight nights. They disbelieved and paid no attention to the message of Allah. According to legend, the first prophet to speak Arabic was Hud A.S. He was considered the first Arabic prophet. The Holy Quran has 7 mentions of him.
Also Read: Story of Prophet Hud A.S.
Prophet Salih A.S.
One of Allah SWT’s most well-known prophets is Hazrat Salih AS. He is amongst the 25 Prophets of Islam as mentioned in the Quran. His wonder was the emergence of a camel from a rock, by the will of Allah. He was sent to Thamud and was an Arabic prophet. They were punished by Allah SWT for their haughtiness and disregard for His word. The Holy Quran makes 9 mentions of him.
Also Read: Story of Prophet Salih A.S.
Prophet Ibrahim A.S.
One of Allah SWT’s most significant messengers is Hazrat Ibrahim A.S. He is referred to as “Jaddul Ambia,” which means “Father of the Prophets.” The last and final prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon Him), was one of the seventy thousand prophets that Allah SWT sent from His offspring. The Holy Quran makes 69 references to him in various verses.
Also Read: Story of Prophet Ibrahim A.S.
Prophet Ismail A.S.
Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.)’s son, Hazrat Ismail A.S. Prophet Ibrahim A.S. was instructed by Allah SWT to sacrifice the young son, Hazrat Ismail A.S, for Allah. Ismail A.S. was slaughtered as a result of his obedience to the command. But Allah SWT substituted a sheep for him. Arabs trace their ancestry to the Prophet Ismail A.S. The Holy Qur’an makes 12 mentions of him.
Also Read: Story of Prophet Ismail A.S.
Prophet Ishaq A.S.
Jews trace their ancestry to the Prophet Ishaq A.S. He received special blessings from Allah SWT. He had a prophet for a father. He was a prophet of Allah, as was his son Yaqub A.S, and his grandson Yusuf A.S. From his descendants, known as the Bani Israel, he received the blessing of having more than 70,000 apostles of Allah. He is one of the 25 Prophets of Islam as mentioned in the Quran.
Also Read: Story of Prophet Ishaq A.S.
Prophet Lut A.S.
The Holy Quran makes 17 mentions of Prophet Lut A.S. He was sent by Allah (SWT) to the inhabitants of Sodom. He was the nephew of Ibrahim A.S. His people participated in homosexuality. Both men and women participated in this terrible sin.
He urged them to stop committing sins. But they disregarded his advice. Finally, Allah SWT let stones fall from the sky and stoned the entire country till it died.
Also Read: Story of Prophet Lut A.S.
Prophet Yaqub A.S.
Prophet Ishaq (A.S.)’s son was Prophet Yaqub A.S. He goes by the name Israel. His descendants are known as “children of Israel,” which is another name for Bani Israel. The Holy Quran has 16 mentions of him. He is one of the 25 Prophets of Islam as mentioned in the Quran.
Also Read: Story of Prophet Yaqub A.S.
Prophet Yusuf A.S.
Prophet Yusuf AS was Hazrat Ibrahim AS’s great-grandson. He was regarded as the most attractive and handsome individual in human history. His step-brothers threw him into a well out of envy for him.
However, Allah made precise plans for Him, he was appointed Egypt’s Chief Minister. Allah SWT refers to his story as “Ahsan ul Qasas” (the most lovely story) in the Holy Quran. The Holy Quran makes 17 mentions of him. He is one of the 25 Prophets of Islam as mentioned in the Quran.
Also Read: Story of Prophet Yusuf A.S.
Prophet Shuaib A.S.
The people of Midian/ Madyan received Hazrat Shuaib A.S. People there were highway robbers and dishonest in their commercial operations. They were warned by Prophet Shuaib A.S. to abstain from this heinous transgression. But they persisted in their bad behavior. They were punished by Allah Ta’ala with a tremendous cry and an earthquake. All of them were buried alive.
Also Read: Story of Prophet Shuaib A.S.
Prophet Ayyub A.S.
One of the 25 Prophets of Islam, known for his sufferings. Wealth and blessings were bestowed upon the Prophet Ayyub A.S. He was put to the test when his fortune and possessions were lost, his children died, and, most painfully, when his health deteriorated. But despite everything that happened, he held steady and shown amazing patience. His incredible patience has become a legend. He is mentioned four times in the Holy Qur’an by Allah SWT.
Also Read: Story of Prophet Ayyub A.S.
Prophet Yunus A.S.
The Holy Quran makes four mentions of Prophet Yunus A.S. He fled his community because he was angry with them, not understanding Allah’s message. So, he spent forty days being ingested by a whale. Then he pleaded with Allah to pardon him. He returned to his nation after being released by Allah, and his people atoned for their transgressions and adopted the message of Allah.
Also Read: Story of Prophet Yunus A.S.
Prophet Dhul-Kifl A.S.
The prophet Dhul-Kifl A.S. is a subject about which very little is known. The Holy Quran makes two references to him. He may have been the son of Prophet Ayyub A.S, according to certain researchers. However, this is not a true statement about him. But it is sure that he is one of the 25 Prophets of Islam as mentioned in Quran.
Also Read: Story of Prophet Dhul-Kifl A.S.
Prophet Musa A.S. and Harun A.S.
The two prophets, Prophet Musa A.S. and Harun A.S., were in fact, brothers. The Holy Quran makes the most mentions of Prophet Musa AS. He is referenced 136 times in the Holy Qur’an by Allah Almighty, and Hazrat Haroon A.S. is mentioned 20 times. All the newborn sons of the Israelite children were killed by the order of the evil Pharaoh.
However, in the meantime, Allah SWT sent him to the palace of the Pharaoh, where he was raised by the honorable Syeda Aasia, the Pharaoh’s wife.
Also Read: Story of Prophet Musa A.S. & Story of Prophet Harun A.S.
Prophet Ilyas and Al’yasaa A.S.
Only twice are these prophets mentioned by Allah Almighty in the Holy Quran. The knowledge we have of these prophets is insufficient.
Also Read: Story of Prophet Ilyas A.S. & Story of Prophet Al’yasa A.S.
Prophets Sulaiman A.S. and Dawud A.S.

The two of the most outstanding prophets described in the Holy Quran are Prophets Dawud A.S. and Sulaiman A.S. They were both kings. In addition to humans, Sulaiman A.S is claimed to govern over animals, Jinns, insects, and even air. In the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty mentions Dawud A.S. 16 times and Sulaiman A.S. 17 times.
Also Read: Story of Prophet Sulaiman A.S. & Story of Prophet Dawud A.S.
Prophet Zakriya A.S. and Yahya A.S.
These two prophets are father and son. Yahya AS was miraculously born by Allah Almighty at a mature age and when his mother was infertile.
Also Read: Story of Prophet Zakariya A.S. & Story of Prophet Yahya A.S.
Isa A.S. (Jesus Christ)
One of the major prophets among the 25 Prophets of Islam is Isa A.S. Hazrat Isa A.S. was miraculously born to Maryam A.S. when she was still a virgin. He performed many miracles from a very young age, by the will of Allah. In the Holy Qur’an, Allah SWT addresses him 25 times by name, 11 times as Massiha, and 23 times as Ibn e Maryam (Son of Maryam A.S).
Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
The final and last prophet of the 25 Prophets of Islam is Prophet Muhammad SAW. He was sent by Allah to the Arabs. He arrived carrying the last message from Allah. The Prophet Muhammad SAW has received the last and ultimate divine message in the shape of the Holy Quran. Every prophet that Allah Almighty sent throughout human history was exclusively sent to one particular nation. However, up until the day of judgment, Prophet Muhammad SAW was sent to the entire human race.
The Stories of the 25 Prophets of Islam hold great lessons for us. The accounts of the punishment of unbelievers and the benefits of His followers are described by Allah Almighty in the Holy Quran so that mankind may learn some lessons. Our responsibility is to comprehend the Holy Qur’an and draw some conclusions from these Stories of the 25 Prophets of Islam. Each occurrence that is mentioned in Holy Quran has a lesson to be learned. In order to correct our errors and go forward on the path of virtue, we need to learn these lessons.
This was the briefs and Names of 25 Prophets of Islam in order (as mentioned in Quran). We hope you learned something valuable from the 25 Prophets of Islam. Read more Islamic Blogs or Follow us on social media for daily Islamic reminders.